At a distance of 7 kms from Nampally Railway Station, Nehru Zoological Park located in bhadurpura is one of the most visited attractions of Hyderabad and one of the biggest zoos in the country.
Established in 1959, it is spread across 300 acres of lush green land. It houses over 1500 species of animals and birds. The park comprises a Natural History Museum, a Lion Safari Park and a children-s train. The Mir Alam Tank is with in the zoo park premise and boating facility is available here. Many species of birds like pelicans, peacock, dove, love birds, parakeets, pied horn bills, grey horn bills and manias, finches and buntings are found here.
Timings: 8 AM to 5:30 PM. Closed on Mondays & Public holidays.
Entry Fee: Adults - Rs.20, Children - Rs.10, Camera - Rs.20, Video Camera - Rs.100, Car with 5 occupants - Rs.200, Safari - Rs.25 (Adults), Rs.10 (Children)