Nestled between the Arabian Sea and the Western Ghats, Mangalore serves as a significant port city and is an essential destination in Karnataka tour packages. The city derives its name from the local Hindu goddess Mangala Devi and is renowned for its various tourist attractions. Among the numerous sites of interest, the Mangalore museums are […]
Mangalore Tour Packages
Best Natural Wonders of India
We all have read and heard a lot about the seven wonders of the world. But have you ever heard about the natural wonders of India? With an area of 3.2 million square kilometers, the vast and diverse country of India is home to a treasure trove of strikingly scenic natural wonders spread across different […]
7 Enthralling Beaches in Mangalore
Sandwiched between the Arabian Sea and the Western Ghats, Mangalore is an important port city and among the popular Karnataka tourist places. With resplendent views of the sun, sea and sand, the beaches in Mangalore redefine charm, serenity and tranquility. These pristine undulating beaches in Mangalore are the perfect places to refresh, replenish and rejuvenate […]